Its Insulting...

Im the sensitive-type-of-girl
if u know wht i mean...
Dont u hate it when ppl call u...
stupid or call u an idiot???
i feel like saying
"look who's talking?"
but im just re-insulting them all over again...
so there's no point of it..
see...i think logically
&& i act nice & dont just swear & curse
all i want cuz,
i have a reputation to protect
now thts IMPORTANT
instead of calling harsh names
try saying "smartass"
i mean it gives confidence
& not shatter ppl's spirit..
u wudnt want tht to happen to you wudnt it??
before insulting ppl...
think tht they too, hv feelings!!!
&& 1 more thing....
if u insult ppl like tht...
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