The Screams In My Head...

sometimes, u feel pain,misery,suffering
&& ur lost in a world ur not familiar with
where everything DOSENT go your way
where everyone DOSENT hear you
hear your scream...
hear your pain
It hurts to hv no mo or dad
to push you
to support you...
their far far away
trying to earn a living
Never knowing if they...
they miss u.....
&& you crying for days...
crying a river full of tears
crying till your eyes look like tomatoes
its never fun && never easy to deal with
some say its just a test God has put me in
but why, why am i crying???
crying, pouring my heart out...
to wht i feeel throughout these years...
I cant wait for it to stop
Cant wait for it to end
still waiting....
&& waiting.....


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