A Secret Message?

Today i stayed up till 6a.m frm yesterday
tired mmg ada la obviously
but then i slept thru the whole day
i started to dream...
& i dont know at the end of the dream
was it a nightmare
or a well lesson thaught to me
i dont know..
there was one part of my dream
where all my teachers were thare
& they constantly talked about me
like on & on & on...
then they called me
'Thila, come here'
my hearts started pounding like the rush of a hurricane
i so, did as instructed
then they gave me so assignments to do
when i looked through the paper i noticed
that i've done most of them before
they gave me the period of 15 minutes
to get things done..
i blindedly said 'ok'
as i got back to my table
i noticed there were'nt much to do
& i did it & exactly that moment the bell went off
i got up & started packing my belongings
when one of the teachers touched a particular book
& whispered to the other teacher
'is this stone or what?'
not knowing i heard
i started grinning
as i thought that the teacher appreaciated
my initiative to bring alot of reference books
my dear friend overheard as well...
so i asked her
'she asked wether stone or not ryte???hahaha'
then there was a sudden change on her face
she said to me with full of patience
'yeah but she meant wether was the book for real or not?'
i was confused
then it started to make sense
the teacher said wether was it made out of stone
wether i was taking education as a joke
that i was useless
no point of bringing books for eyes to see
i started crying....
it almost felt real as though i could feel the tears
the wet feeling
when i woke up that moment
i WAS crying...& i started to cry more...

Thila Camillo


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