Lets Disco Bitchaa's!!!

mind my language peeps
im just too hyper hahaha..
i've been listening to taio cruz
& mike posner & ke$ha
all of the sudden i wanna go clubbing
hahaha & get drunk
yes im only 14 gonna be 15
anytime :P i can dream
can i ?
i kinda like my blog arrangement
left,right,left right..
come la dance with me..
cant wait to go bck to malaysia
my uncle seems like his gonna miss us
asking me to stay here
with PMR coming yeah..no way
oh yeah today i saw
something i didnt reli need to see
still grossed out laa
its really crazy how pervy
guys get... geli..
im not a naughty girl okay
i stay away from all this above 18 stuff
my body is like twitching
blogging bout this
but to guys & girls
they call it private parts for a reason
you dont see ppl saying
ohh looky at my 'public' parts
please laa.. thts Loooww..
& why do some girls take picture
from the top angle? aduihh...
wht a shame.. pictures may be pretty
reality is too ugly to handle
be YOU!
not some busty wannabe
or a jerky jock...
just keep private parts private kay?
once upon a time
maybe humans run naked all over
but this is a modern world
wear something called clothes
dont dress like Lady Gaga..

thila Camillo


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