
monkey,you got that right!

you know whats embarassing?! peeing in your pants is embarassing, digging your nose in public is embarassing, someone coming in while your shitting is embarassing.
Another thing thats embarassing is me,myself and I. I feel so mortified laah.. try reading my 'emotional' blogpost. come to think of it I sound like a troubled 40 year old woman whose husband left  her for another  woman.
Can i like delete it? But..but..but. all the hard work.. hahaha.. whats mooooore embarassing is thaatt.. the people i send it out to reads it.. and its like.. oh goshh... i talk like a freaking adult.
I feel so silly. then kalau diorang tanya I this and that. Waliaaoo.. pucat got la..
haiyaa.. I just.. aiyaa.. embarassing



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