Science & Maths Drama

the blur adds suspense ^.^
Its almost one (or by the time i finish this it'll be one sumthing). Tomorrows my Maths and Science Drama. A this time, our class isn't well brushed up just yet. Due to my forum delay i was only practicing for what few minutes? But i see things are going on well with Mish in charge. We'll just have to pray for the best tomorrow! The picture above actually symbolizes my character tmrw. Not really symbolise but my face will look like that tomorrow. If you dont know my character is the witch doctor of The Tropical Island of paradise. Basically i help this couple and family through their obstacles and lead them into a happy ever after. My name is Mistress Bababobo. Names can be decieving... dont make me cast a spell on you! Mantra.. mantra..
last minute but i set up a FAWSOMEE outfit which ya'll just have to see tomorrow. And yes, it will be recorded no worries this time along with 3C's act of shamila's request. ps. My dad so dosent know im in this play and so dosent know that i woke up in the middle of the night to try the makeup on. while writing this, the makeup is on my face if he wakes up to see me like this seriously he'll think he has a troubled daughter.. aiyayayyy... Im an 'actress' im willing to take risks even if i have to look and dress at my silliest! Hopefully spontaneous and lady luck is on our side once again!Break a leg Form 3's!



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