Sports Day

Its Bukit Kuda's annual sports day. There we were in Sultan Suleiman's Stadium.. sitting,eating,screaming and cheering for all participants of all sports team. But I supported Ledang(yellow) and Bukit Kuda the most.. like duhh!! Long story short, Ledang won and so did BeeKay against Convent and Samad. see la who's school.. haha..  I managed to get into the Ledang picture! yeah I admit i didnt really contribute but.. wthayy.. WE WON! must have my face wan.. Then sent Hareen and Sham back.. as usual, Sham has never been lamer than before.. I swear she says the lamest stuff... Then we had lunch and saw Ravena with her dad.. and what a joke did she tell us.. the lamest day of 2011 happens to be today... oh goshh.. i mau tidur! *yawns profusely* if thats an appropriate word..


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