Break Outs!

Its that time of the year!
Its the annual pimple fest! Here I am sitting down letting out a huge sigh. Every year maybe 2 or 3 times.. or more. I break out! and freak out! The pimples are taking over my face. One thing that causes it is mainly the weather. Have you seen how hot is it out lately? Just washed my face and guess what? Washing your face gives you a clearer view on how bad is your acne problem. I remember standard 5 and so on... what a nightmare. Pimples covered my whole forehead. Whou wouldn't be shy with the response of people looking at your forehead.

Thank goodness it improved by the years. Maybe small tiny one come once in a while. That I dont mind. But one thing I hate the most is when your face is attacked by this little demons. Seeing a pus-filled pimple ain't so nice. Jelousy takes over me seeing those with perfect skin. But every great complexion has its bad turn.

Who knows maybe not on your face but all around your back. Main causes are stress. Yes, I get stressed out alot. My back, neck, chest, chin,face are bound to get attacked during this time. Sure,sure you'd be saying 'eeeww.. gross..thilaa!!' but hey? being a teen has its perks. Who said we're all frilly, some of us cut ourselves.. not me of course. Pimples dosen't give you confidence at all. Their tiny little devils.

Maybe its the food I eat, Maybe its the clothes I wear, The weather, The self hygiene. But whatever it is, there's no stopping it for now. How I wish there WAS a zit zapper.. *POOF*
gone in an instant. The person who'd make that cream would be a bajillionare. Well there are certain so-called zit zappers. Once applied its not the zits that zap its the skin that peels. Inflamation to the skin. Different products are suitable for different people. For me, I havent found that suits me.Its probably puberty kot.. still.. there's ways to prevent it.

Plus the oilyness.. I could own a face oil estate. And all the heads? blackheads whiteheads? If can I want my own head not my face to have heads. I've read bout odd rememdies.. involving egg whites,toothpaste,garlic and etc. I just want zits gone not me smelling like italian dinner. Plus we all love that sort of camera that DOSEN't show any pimples, its like wow.. FAWSOME! or maybe some naughty2 edited their picture.. blemish fix. Been there Done that.

For now, lets hope that my face improves. PS jo vin said I look pretty today.. somehow her words fall back on my pimples...



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