Only I make me happy.

     Hello readers <-- LMAO I talk funny. Everyone wants happiness. Some people think having a other half is being happy. Some say having and iPad 2 is being happy. Some assume happiness is when we're happy with nothing at all. I know. Weird right? But we're all humans, We come in different varieties and perspectives. Here's what I think about happiness.

    I came across this quote recently, And Im all stars and universe for it. 'Everyone wants happiness,and nobody wants pain, But you cant have a rainbow without a little rain'. Its true and it rhymes! I've done mistakes in life. Who hasnt? I may not be mature enough to talk all fancy shmancy but one things for sure, Only you can make yourself happy.

   Depending on someone to make you happy is like waiting in the rain in a towel, after a shower. Instead of sparing yourself. You hurt yourself even more. Give it a little thought people. I've sat for hours waiting to get a hello. People say even a hello can change a girl's attitude throughout the rest of the day. I guess I didn't get the memo. A hello can change anything so does silence.

   Even with words not even close to a whisper could be the loudest thing. Don't underestimate the power of silence. It hurts. Well Im not a sexist or anything like that. But girls are more common to get hurt than boys. Boys are amazing, dont get me wrong. Their amazing enough to not realise how they've hurt a girl. Ahh.. Im getting all mushy gushy for my own personal probs.

  This is out to everyone who thinks their nothing or lonely or on the edge of glory. Keep your head up babe, He is smiling at you with major plans all worked up. Remember Happiness is from within and not from some person. Make them special everyday, no matter how much it hurts smile for the world to see. They'll remember you in ways you cant imagine.

Dont hope, GIVE hope.



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