What He Did.

This is a tale of a broken-hearted girl I know. 
She is a cheerful person, the world lit up whenever she smiled,
And she found love in a hopeless place, Facebook.. 
It was during the month of August she met someone who changed her life.
Both good and bad events occurred. 
It leaves a bitter taste on her tongue whenever she mentions his name.
Its the month of October, and she's trying hard to let him go.
I hope that this story of a girl whom is close to me,
teaches each and everyone, especially teenagers like you and me,
not to mess around with this thing called, love.

She was just a beautiful creation of God.
She would always deny and blush at the fact that people praised her a lot.
She flashes back to when she got hurt badly.
It was then, she couldn't trust nobody with any statement.
Then came this charming young man.

Although he wasn't much of that tall,dark and handsome kinda guy,
Something just made her want to befriend him.
Sure, his profile picture wasn't much of an attraction,
nicotine and alcohol seemed like a decor in his scarred hand.
She thought differently, deep, deep down she said,
I can change that, with a smile that topped Barack Obama's.

He started the conversation, not like most 'Facebook' people.
That made her puzzled, of course. He came from a known school.
Adding a young, vulnerable girl from a sort-of remote area.
She was the friendly type, making friends was always fun.
On the down side, she was shy, like a mimosa plant when touched.
She was glad, someone had patience and guts to start off.

Every single person she gets to know, she treats them like family.
With a gesture like 'bro' or 'sis', somehow he rejected that call.
She found it weird, was there such thing as love at first sight?
Personally, till today, I never believed in that.
You know how a girl can sense that a guy has a crush on her?
Yeah, she began to have that tingly vibe that he might actually like her.

Every girl instinct, first move, play hard to get.
He made her feel like the Only Girl In the World.
Like all he saw was her, all he hear is her, all he talks about is her.
She definitely loved the attention, knowing she never gets attention from 
her 'you-know-who'. Did I not mention that? 
She may be weak and vulnerable but she already had someone who loved her.
How selfish and inconsiderate could this girl be? stupid, stupid..

She went with the flow, It took her through harsh waters.
She loved the adrenalin, the running-in-a-field of daisies kinda feeling.
She was the happiest, dreaming about him all day, all night.
Laughed to herself, there were times she cried for nothing, fought for nothing.
As weeks passed on, she began to snap out of her fairytale.
Was it right? to love someone when you're already in a relationship?
Was Johny Depp's 'If you love two people at the same time, pick the second one,
because if you loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second one in
the first place' quote taking its toll on her?

She asked her friends, but what do they know?
They barely experience 'young,immature relationships'
I bet that's what they assume in their hearts but never
had the guts to tell the poor girl, she was never absent minded.
She knew what deep thoughts her friends thought.
They could've cheated  her but they can never cheat themselves.

She thought deep, Lost at mind I could say.
She still remembers all the promises he made. They tasted like apple pie.
But three things carved in her that can never disappear.

First, he said he'll wait, as long as it took him, he'd wait.

Second, He wouldn't love anyone else but her after this. That he promised.
Third, he loved her 98% and the other 2% is if he would end up, deceased 

 Well what happens next? 

to be continued...



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