It's not over, It hasn't begun.

   Lately, I have been witnessing a lot of heartbreaking stories from my closest ones and it has come to my senses where the aftermath of a heartbreak really can fog up ones thinking. One thing ladies, It's not over. What you've experienced, what you're going through, none of that is over. 

'Move on' ? THAT is misleading. 
For everything that has happened, every bit of event will ALWAYS live inside of you and it never dies. Move on all you want but who are you kidding ? Yourself, love. Yourself. 

   But believe me, it's not over. It's like one of those long intro's to a movie. In that period of time, a lot can happen. So much that, to forget about it is simply a no-can-do. Let it be years that you have love that someone, months,days or hours. 

  So what if it all comes to an end one day ? For every ending, there is a new beginning. Most of us don't choose to see the beginning instead, we mourn about the past. Day by day we tell each other that we're strong and when the sun sets, the waterworks are put to work. 

  I may not have heard your story first hand ladies, but I know what it's like to feel that you've lost every.single.thing. For every loss there is a gain. Don't you see that, the elements of life isn't based on one thing. It's balanced between good and evil.

  If you've regretted half the things you've done throughout your whole life, is life worth living for ? No time machine could possibly change the mistakes that can't be undone. One minor adjustment to the past can set a different path to the future. Be careful with what you wish for. 

  Personally I've experienced it to the limit where I complained to the Great Lord. I would always cry out 'Why? Why do you still want me to be here? To suffer? I can't take this anymore. I want to be where you are. Where there is peace and love everyday. No more crying. No more sorrow and misery. His silent reply to my calling was all I needed. 

  You don't need someone to comfort you with words. It's God's silence that will guide you. He put us all on this place called, Earth because he has plans for us. We can change the whole world with one random act of kindness at a time. 

  For all the tears you face today, you'll be given days and maybe even years to smile upon. Don't give up today, because someone out there, He is just praying for someone like you to change his life. Nothing happens overnight. Bitch please, Princess Aurora waited for her prince sleeping for years. Pricking her finger was probably the worst best thing that could've happened to her. 

Just when you're about to give up, the treasure is hidden beneath your nose. Change that. 



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