
  I do agree so much that twitter really jumbles up my life. The little things I shouldn't worry about are deliberately highlighted. I have a very short memory span. Therefore, when I have something written down in permanent ink to remind myself, it starts to bother me. I was told a number of things that I wasn't comfortable with and honestly now, I can't remember most of them. Nevertheless, I'm finally getting into the second phase for forgive and forget. Forgiving isn't a problem for me but forgetting is. I grab unnecessary attention. I mean I know I'm sad at all. But who knows me well enough than myself? I do admit I get upset most of the time but I'm actually those kind of people who tends to get back up on her own two feet the very next day. I push people away well for one, I didn't need their attention in the first place. Make sense? Right now I'm not hiding anything whatsoever, I guess this shall be like my modernized diary of some sort. Half the time when I have nothing to do, I hate on people, get insecure, pressurize my own self and blame it on everyone because well.. They just happen to appear with a good intention, to help me. BUT I take it the wrong way. I was really reluctant to delete my twitter because a puzzle piece is being taken out from me and makes me incomplete 💔 a little melodramatic don't you think? Chyeah. Well I worried about not being able to do anything anymore. As an addition to it, (I forgot what I wanted to say) I feel that urge to state my dissatisfaction out there into thin air. Unnecessary ones. They say, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it. It doesn't give me the right to tweet about it either. First it was TV, then Facebook and now? Twitter. I don't seek attention, I'm just lack of attention. It's not the desire to want attention but the unfortunate feeling of not having attention from usual people. Yeah, I beginning to get that.

 -recent update-
It's been like what almost 2 hours since I deleted my app and I never knew I tweeted every. single. shit. That was going on. The itch and that twitch I get to tweet something every 2 seconds kills! I gotta thank twitter somehow because well, I get good rhymy statuses there for Facebook. I don't know what social media will turn us all into. I don't want to know, my goodness, the torture I get from it and the torture I get without it.

Let the twitter hiatus begin!


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