My Realistic New Year's Resolutions for 2015

  Brace yourselves for the New year, New me bullshit! New Year resolutions will be flooding in your timeline and we all know how it ends. It never ever begins, really. There is something just so magical about the new year. It's like changing from doo-doo diapers to a new set of clean diapers. You will experience a certain ambience the new year brings. 

 'Why wait for New Years? Why wait for the 1st, do it now!'. 

  Frankly, I feel everyone is more motivated on the 1st. I mean, new day, new month, new year. I'm speaking for myself. It is like a finish line of the Big Race 2014. All the laughter and tears, the good and bad, the happy and sad is kept in 2014 (locked and never to be opened). It is like wiping your ass after a taking a good ol' dump. 

  Here is Thilakawathy Camillo's realistic New Year's Resolution, so called lah

1. Stare back at people who stare rudely at me.
    Like what the hell right? I always get so anxious and self conscious when people stare at me very intently. Can I help you? Didn't your parents tell you its rude to stare? Y'know what? We will have a stare down, that's how its going down. 

2. Travel alone.
    This requires dough. I want to have mini adventures, even if it's to the city or the beach. I want to get an old school map, take the bus or train, get lost, ask for directions and eventually reach my destination. The wanderlust in me is just itching to venture the unknown, unknown to me at least. 


3. Go blonde! 
    Yeap, you heard it right! I want to go legally blonde. You must be thinking, what a self-loathing Asian I am... I am not. I have always loved the idea of bleaching my hair and going lighter. I often get really displeasing reactions. I have the upper hand in this because I get to go cray cray and probably have pink hair!

4. Blog more.
    I actually started this somewhere this month and must I say, I've been getting tremendous feedback from my readers. Hehe my readers. I like that. Frankly, I am home 24/7 and I have the Internet, so I'm putting that to good use. It's something I enjoy doing. I feel that I'm slowly diverting towards a media-ish future and I just might build a social media empire. Fingers crossed!

5. Avoid squaring my Instagram pictures.
     If you're not following me on Instagram, wait, why the fuck aren't you following me on Instagram? Click that cute Insta icon, silly! I have the habit of squaring my pictures too much because I like fuller pictures. I think I need a change. I want less white spaces and more depth to my pictures and also have a theme. Unfortunately, I cannot just sit and stare at my Instagram having one bloody filter.

6. Squat more!
    I am girl born without a booty. Curse petite me! If you didn't know, booty is the new black. At least, that's what society says. Some days I feel very motivated to squat (that's the only workout I know). I want to achieve bootylicious buns like Liane V. She gives me hope because she's a petite Filipina herself, with a nice ass. Some days my motivation plunges down the sewers and I am thankful for my body and I should flaunt a flat ass like Taylor Swift. 


7. Perform more! 
    I think I might have damaged my vocal chords the whole year and I was completely unaware until recently. Raising your voice and screaming and crying doesn't do your voice any good. I feel like Ursula has taken the Little Mermaid's voice (that's me btw hahaha) I'm nursing my voice into recovery and I am not going to neglect my talent. I want to perform whenever I get the chance to! Regardless if it's on stage or on the street. 

8. Learn how to play the ukulele.
    The guitar and I just don't tally or maybe I just haven't found the interest to play the guiter, I hope I do someday. I have decided to start small and attempt the ukulele. I mean cute girl, small girl, cute guitar, ukulele. It fits in its place no? I don't want to be that girl with talentless hands. Not everyone can end up like Beyonce. 

9. Learn a new language.
    I believe this was on my resolutions list last year. I did learn a thing or two but I forgot hahaha... I'm going back to my roots and I shall learn how to speak Tagalog or Tamil. I have actually attempted Tamil with my dad and he was impressed but I can't go a minute without laughing at how I pronounce things. Tongue twisting, indeed. I'll be reuniting with my mom soon and I shall unleash the pinoy in me! Kumusta ka? 

10. Try eating foods in one bite. 
      Someone thought me this. I notice I like to break down small foods. For instance sushi, I could take 20 bites and not finish a damn sushi. I have been thought how to chow big portions to completely indulge in good food. To be honest, taking bigger bites makes it likely for you to lose appetite. For a skinny bitch, I need more flesh on these bones. 

Happy New Year!


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