RIP iPhone

  My iPhone retired tonight. After serving me a good 2 years plus, it dieded. I reminisce the day when I pestered my dad to get me a smartphone and not just any smartphone but the ultimate iPhone! At that time, I wanted an iPhone 4S because I didn't fancy the iPhone 5 structure. It's length turned me off (that's what she said). I thought the iPhone 4S was pretty cool and that I wouldn't have to splurge a fortune on the latest iPhone (at that time).

  I sound like a total brat for wanting an expensive phone *cringe I guess I wanted to make the best out of my very first smartphone. Wow I never really took notice that this is the only smartphone I have. Interesting. I was unluckily lucky. I couldn't purchase the iPhone 4s anywhere and so my dad decided to get me an iPhone 5. I didn't complain, again sounding like a total brat, I wasn't looking forward to it.(The urge to slap 15-year-old me for being spoiled is so strong right now) 

  Fast forward to when I held the iPhone box. It was glorious. I opened it and I saw this sleek, think, silver phone. It still had the plastic screen protector you were supposed to peel off. I was so freaking afraid to even hold it! We are talking about a RM2k phone on my sweaty palms. It was like a huge thing! It was like getting your first period,huge! No joke. 

  My phone survived drops, dents and scratches. It's naked. I stopped using phone covers and screen protectors. It's not like I didn't love it anymore, I just trusted myself with the phone. For someone who has had an iPhone for 2 years plus, physically, it's maintained. 

  Long story short, my phone ended its life tonight or its just being a bitch, I can't tell. It is obviously overcharged, my cable was on the verge of giving up. Previously, my home button was faulty and I thought that would end first. Unfortunately my power button was all Surprise Mothafucka!!! and gave in last week. 

  I started googling and youtubing ways to restart my phone without the help of the power button. I ended up putting my phone in the freezer. It is said that if you put your phone in the freezer, it would most probably drain the battery and I could charge it and the battery icon would appear. Nope. No miracle. My screen was blacked out. I could hear Siri and incoming calls, but not a light in sight. 

  I started mourning over my loss. I don't know what are my options for now. One thing I am sure of is that I am phone-less. I don't know for how long. I won't be using whatsapp or Instagram anytime soon. (I might just go and get it fixed tomorrow, idk) 

  This is depressing. 

  Am I going to purchase another Apple phone? Probably not. It's like having a 2 year relationship and one day he decides to die on you without a goodbye. Apple iPhones are overrated. Before thinking of getting an iPhone think about this, If you can afford an iPhone then you should be able to afford repairing an iPhone. 

Signing off,


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