What 2014 has thought me.

  1. Beware of toxic people. 
      Once you let a toxic person into your stream, it is VERY difficult to get them out. The poison          that they leave in your system will take a lot of filtration to clear it out. Observe the people you meet. Study their behavioral changes. You can instantly tell if you would like or dislike a person through simple observation. 

  2. Relationship is commitment. 
      As transparent as this sounds, a majority of people do not understand this statement. Young       love is an infatuation. If you are interested in being with different people, try dating. It is okay to see multiple people in one go. It's called dating. On the other hand, a relationship is commitment. It is not something to fool around with. Let me keep it simple, treat the people you love, like you want to be loved.

 3. Don't cry.
     This applies to me, personally. It is okay to let it all out when you're not feeling so good but DON'T wallow up in sadness and drown yourself in tears. You tend to grow more vulnerable than you already are. People are able take you down when they know your weakness (crying). The solution to this is to stock up on chocolate, ice cream and potato chips (you can thank me later) and eat your heart out. 

4. Be vain. 
     If there would be an addition to the Seven Deadly Sins, Vanity would be it. I say go for it and be vain. Take selfies, make vines, make YouTube videos and tweet shit. Promote yourself. This sounds very attention seeking, I know. Be it as it may, vanity helps boost your self confidence. You will never have to compare yourself when you walk into a crowded room, I guarantee! It makes you feel good about yourself. Note that, whatever anyone else thinks of you doesn't matter. Remeber the 3F's, Fuck that shit, be flawless and flaunt it. 

5. Colour your hair.
    Only applicable to those who have ended school. Change your appearance. Hair is a bold         statement. It's either go bold or go bald. If you're tight on cash, get yourself a simple DIY box dye and do it yourself! You won't know until you try. Gather that courage and paint your hair red! That's what I did! No regrets my friend, no regrets. 

6. Own up to your mistakes. 
   I hate admitting that I'm wrong. Chances are, I'm wrong most of the time. Admit them, whatever the costs, admit to your mistakes. Sometimes you don't always have to explain yourself. All you have to do is give a short and sweet statement to justify yourself. If you drag an explanation for what you did wrong, it will sound more like an excuse. Do yourself and the other party a favour and own up to your wrong doings.

7. Stop being a judgmental freak. 
    Us homo sapiens love love love to judge. It is the 21st century. People pierce themselves, people have tattoos, people have sex, people smoke weed, people do people-ly things. It is a bit of a culture shock to see that the real word is ugly. Try looking at reality as a masterpiece. Don't judge others just because they sin differently than you, you're not a Saint after all.

8. Love your parents.
    I can't stress this enough. You're out there having fun, living your life and you forget how did         that fun come about, how did your life come about. Don't wait for parents day or birthdays to tell your ma and pa how much you love them. Make every day count. Wake up kissing that bald spot on your daddy's head. Skype your mom and take snapshots of her ugly poses.They are the only people who will ALWAYS forgive you for the countless times that you've fucked up. I love you mummy and papa! 

9. Control your life.
    Never ever ever hand over the remote control of your life to someone. Do what you want to do. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Just because they have an opinion, that doesn't mean you have to obey. Do this, don't be rude and listen to what others have to say, then and only then, do whatever the fuck you want! Someone once told me I cussed and sweared a lot, well anonymous person on ask.fm, fuck you!

10. Be happy.
       Last but not least, be happy. Easier said than done, fo sho. Everyman is on their Search for happiness! *Gaaaayyyyy... but really before doing anything, ask yourself, Will this make me happy? If yes, there goes your green light, If no, stop whatever it is,stop. I believe happiness lies in the little things and the littlest things always come in abundance. So stop waiting for a gigantic durian runtuh and pay more detail to the little things.

Signing off,


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