Leaving on a jet plane...

  Technically, not a jet plane, it's a commercial flight. Quoted from a John Denver's song. Initially, toi and I passed our interview for our US Visa application and today, 26th of January 2015 we have been officially approved! It was truly an unforgettable moment when we were congratulated on our approval. 

Crappy iPad camera quality
  It took approximately 2 years plus of waiting. Perseverance was key. I have had several friends who would ask me:

Hey Thila you said you're leaving, why aren't you gone yet?
  Sheesh the nerve of some people! Based on my first hand experience, applying for an immigrant Visa is not as simple as a tourist Visa. Hence, the long wait. 

Are you going for good?
  This is a difficult one to answer. I will be furthering my studies in the States so, for the first 5 years or so requires me to be there full time. I do intend to visit Malaysia and Singapore annually during Summer. Nevertheless, Malaysia is still home.

When are you leaving?
  (I don't want to jinx this) Soon. There is no room for procrastination. I'll be booking the tickets soon soon soon soon soon. 

  I already have a cute outfit for my flight. I have to admit I looked like crap during my last visit to the US back in 2010. It is not easy to look cute and keep warm simultaneously. I don't have enough blubber to keep myself warm in the cold winter. I get cold feet easily. I am relying on a lot of black clothing, sweaters,hoodies and boots! 

Here's a little throwback to 2010 
Holy Guacamole!
  Yes, once upon a time this was me. Thank God for plastic surgery! hahaha.. I'm kidding! You can't blame me for looking like a piece of shit. I fell ill during my 2 hour transit from Doha to New York. I was shivering throughout my 14-hour flight. I felt like jumping off the plane! I just cant do long distance journey. I get motion sickness. I was homebound for the first 2 weeks of my stay! What a party pooper! Recovery took its own sweet time. 

  This is what happens when you let a 7-year-old take your picture
Grand Central Station
*Insert offending caption here
 I wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. I didn't take a decent picture in Times Square, I forgot to upload my pictures at the Statue of Liberty. Some things I wish I knew before going to New York...

1. Bundle up!
For an Asian, it is cold as fuck.

2. Invest in some good walking shoes
You depend on your feet and your only form of transport is the Subway (most of the time)

3. Chapstick!
Your lips are going to crack like a motherfucker, always keep a chapstick (lip balm) in your pocket.

4. You meet interesting people
Homeless people, people who cuss and swear at McDonald's, an old Asian lady who designed a bag out of Metro cards, some guy singing Bruno Mars's Grenade in Macy's. You-name-it. 

5. Malaysian food is crappy
I had roti canai and satay once. Yeah I don't know what the hell I digested. 

6. Public toilets with huge gaps on the doors
I saw an old lady pull her panties up through the gap of her cubicle in Burger King. Don't ask why. 

7. People make out everywhere
Maybe I'm over-exaggerating this but I witnessed a couple making out. He had her pinned against the wall. It made me cringe. 

8. Dunkin' Donuts is everywhere!
You ought to think Starbucks is everywhere but for me, I wouldn't miss a Dunkin Donuts anywhere! Please prep yourself with a water bottle when travelling! I went to Dunkin' Donuts but they didn't have water and I had to down hot chocolate to hydrate. 

9. You can't be stylish
For me, it was a challenge. I totally fucked my outfit. I saw some girl wearing ripped jeans in the cold weather and I was like an onion, you could peel me layer by layer! I'm improvising this time!

10. Everything is 'cheaper'
So they say lah but everything is inclusive of tax, so yeah...

  Moving on, here are some happy shots from today!
When your sister is a camwhore
Post plastic surgery (Its a joke!)

Signing off,


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