What is virtual communication these days?

Virtual communication today, is fucking bullshit. 

  The irony of social media being called social media is to interact with people, socially. Nope. Nuh uh. I don't see that. 

This generation has their eyes glued to their screens
Their fingers could form calluses from tapping on their screens
Social media is no place for Hi's and Hello's anymore
It's more of HB's and I'm sorry for your loss, my condolences 
As if abbreviations weren't annoying already
You LOL without laughing and BAE is actually a thing you call your significant other
Social media is just an excuse for not being social in real life
This generation hungers for likes, comments, retweets, subscriptions 
Let me take a picture showing that I'm having fun at this concert
When in reality you're recording the whole concert without enjoying the music
People call me old fashioned 
They say I live under a rock
Because I, I turn my data off when I'm outside
Because I, I ain't got no time to take a picture of what I'm doing
Because I, I have the ability to set my phone aside for a whole day
Social media usage is going down south 
Social media now sounds like that controlling, obsessive, protective boyfriend you once had
The one that felt like a drug and poison in your veins 
You know it kills you
Yet you indulge in it sinfully 
Social media didn't get me more friends
Instead social media showed me how I'd lose friends
You send a message only to receive a 'seen' as a return
That's okay 
Then you see them update their snapchat every 2 mins
That's still okay
Then you buzz them to remind that you're still there
That's okay
Then they give you an excuse on how busy they were
That's not okay
You were so busy, you had time to snapchat yourself driving
You were so busy, you had time to post a picture on Instagram
You were so busy, you had time to tweet cheesy quotes on twitter
Excuses, Excuses, Excuses 
Social media has updated me one important thing though
Social media has updated me that I am no longer on your priority list
That's okay and that will be the final time I say Im okay
But I want you to promise one last thing
When I take my last breath and my ashes have been spread
Don't post on my wall and say 'I can't believe you are gone'
Don't concoct a grand essay saying how 'She was my best friend' 
Don't you dare do that to gain self pity 
Don't you dare do it to get likes
I lived my whole life watching my messages being 'seen'
Tell me what it feels like when you see my messages and they will be forever 'unseen'



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