Don't fall in love with the pretty girl

  Why, you ask? because she knows the game. She once fell for words and not actions. She once believed she was beautiful because you told her. She once trusted you when you said you wouldn't hurt her. 

  And you wonder, why girls in their early or mid 20's so pretty yet so single. Love isn't what it was 50 years ago. As little girls, we were thought to believe in fairytales, prince Charmings and ultimately, love  and happy ever afters. I'm starting to bust that myth into thinking that these things were planted in minds of little girls to have hope in world where love is actually a battlefield. 

  Guys, men, boys think that with a little flirting or playing hard-to-get would send a girl diving into their arms and into their pants. Nope. Not in this generation. Women are intelligent beings but we often think with our hearts, which eventually fucks us up. In no way I have the intention to be sexist about this. 

  Back in the day, compliments on physical appearances would send tingles down my fingertips and I would hesitate to accept a compliment and be sincerely gratified. Now, I accept that I am beautiful and say thank you. Not out of narcissism or vanity but out of genuine belief. So flowery words don't amuse me. 

  Back in the day, asking for digits was a thing (it's still is a thing) but with all this social media, why even bother? How is Whatsapp different than Twitter? The fact that you have my number, makes me more likely to ignore you. Personal space is essential, not everyone should have a privilege to your personal life. 

  Back in the day 'you can talk to me about it' actually meant that but nowadays, people just want to know what's happening in your life  and who was involved and how can they replace the people who have done you wrong. Most times, I don't look for a replacement. Frankly, I just want someone to listen without giving a feedback in return. 

  Back in the day, pick-up lines and songs and a deck of 52 cards expressing your love for someone. Now it's, just for... I don't fucking know. 

  My point is, girls like me have gone through too many sweet sweet promising words and lame-ass pick up lines, and occasional DM's when you post a bomb-ass selfie. We know the drill. We know how it works. It's repetitive. It's a routine. We know, heart eyes emoji's and 'bae' comments. For the love of God, love isn't love anymore. 

  It's not surprise how people in their 20's are giving up on other people. It's no surprise how people who present themselves so well are single. It's no surprise how options like living a lonesome life or planning an arranged marriage seem like good ideas. 

  People give up on each other too damn fast. Those days, what one person wanted, the other wanted as well. Now it's like a bloody Chinese buffet. You pick what you want. Where's the compromise? And now you know why, why it's so hard to trust people, why it's so hard to believe in love again.



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