My heart was made a little too frail

  Trust me when I say this. I believe that my heart was made a little too frail. I was raised on a strong foundation of love. I'm a daddy's girl. I was always thought to give my all. To never do anything half-heartedly. I seeded that quality in my lifestyle. Whenever I loved someone, I'd loved them with all my heart, whenever I was friends with someone, I'd try my best and be the best possible friend there is, whenever I was given a task, I would perform to my fullest potential. 

  I work hard on me. I try to be the best possible version of myself every day. On the outside, people see me as this social butterfly whom it would be cool to be friends with because I'm funny, I'm open to never-ending questions, I'm talented etc. (not even tooting on my own horn) I have brought to life, a figment of my own imagination. My life isn't all perfect. In fact, it is far from what it all seems. 

  I have a lousy way of expressing myself. I either bottle it up or I rant a little on Twitter. With all this alone time that I own, I realized that not having heart-to-heart talks is a form of bottling up. You must understand, my whole life I build my walls up, only to have them torn down and the cycle goes on...

  A little fact about me is that I do not talk to people about my problems/feelings. I used to have a big-ass mouth and tell everyone, everything until one fine day, someone I shared everything with, used my secrets against me. On that very night, I lost trust in people. I chose my words carefully whenever I conversed with someone, I made sure to answer a person's question as is, without explaining myself, I narrowed down my social media to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (Snacpchat too), my phone number is strictly off limits to anyone I meet online. 

  If you ask me if I'm okay, there's a high possibility I would say I'm okay. If you ask me if I want to talk about it, there's a high possibility I would say no. My last break up was the final straw. I'm building my walls so thick and high and praying that it doesn't come crashing down on me once again. 

  • I do not want to rely on a person to let it out on. I have always treated people like emotional punching bags to let off some steam. All my anger, frustration, depression and anxiety released on to someone else's shoulder to bear with just so I could breathe easy.
  • People don't solve your problems. As much as I wish that people could make your problems go away, reality hits me in the face. Every time I tell someone an issue I'm going through, I instantly regret. It's bad enough I have to worry about it, now, I have someone else worrying about something they shouldn't even worry about. 
  • I don't express myself to get a pep-talk in return. I'm sorry to be brutally honest but the last thing I want to hear are words of encouragement. It's like that positive kitten poster you have on your wall that's always there but slowly becomes invisible day by day because it's the same shit: think positive, be happy, it's just a bad day, not a bad life etc.
  I am a tougher cookie to crumble. My crave for heart-to-heart talks and good morning's and goodnight's drives me into finding a companion. I am needy. I am clingy. I tend to seek security and comfort in someone else but myself. I have no experience being independent. Someone, whether a parent or a friend or a partner has always showered me with love. The only catch is that they shower me with love that won't remain. 

  I just want you to know, I'll be okay eventually. It always works out in the end. I know it's not healthy dealing with all this by myself but I'm experienced. Yes, I can worry you and make you think that I'm about to jump off a cliff but I have enough faith that will last me at least 10 years. 

  There's still a long list of heartbreaks I will have to face in the future to come. The day when I see someone that I have loved, get married. The day I lose my parents. The day I go broke and have nothing to eat. The day I can't afford rent and have to sleep in my car. I thought that I have seen and I have felt all the pain known to man but I stand corrected. Thila honey, this is only the beginning. 

  I've given up countless times but I stood back right up every single time. I repeat this dreadful question every single time I break down. How many times do I have to give up, to finally give up once and for all? I guess I will never know because I haven't given up on myself. I don't know where I stand until the final straw but I pray so hard that I survive this lifetime. 



  1. hello thila :-) thank you so much for taking your time to sit down and write everything down. It must have taken you hours for you to write everything down and checking it over & over again to make sure you are not making simple mistakes or making sure you have wrote everything in your mind and not having anything left unsaid.

    Now , because of you , I will now start my own blog. It may take time for me to publish it , but for all I know , it'll definitely be worth it. You are really really an inspiration to me. Thank you very much. And babe , yes from what you wrote down here , you are definitely a tough cookie to crumble and strong af I swear. I'm really proud of how far you've come.

    Tbh , I really do not know if you think this msg are just words of encouragement to you but I decided to comment bc I want you to know that there are people out here that cares enuff for you to write this message down just for you. And to think that I spent days thinking if I should comment on your blog , because hey ! I'm just some student , taking her time to write this down for you on the school's computer. And you seem like you are up there you know. One of the top bloggers and all that jazz. But sometimes I tend to forget that even famous people are not perfect.

    I mean- we're all humans you know. All of us have our own things to deal with. Which makes me feel insecure and think that you would never read your reader's comments because you may be too busy and it's definitely okay bc I know your readers would most definitely understand. And nah it's okay to seek security and comfort in someone else because yeah I do that too. HEH.. bc Like I said we're all not perfect but that's what makes us humans so real and unique in our own different ways.

    We are here because God put us here for a purpose , and he has bring me to you. Brought me here to read what you have wrote so that it can turn into an inspiration for me. And I've never been more thankful. ANNNNND that I should stop being a lazy-ass and just start going out there already , do smthing to figure out who I really am. So thank you so so much for taking your time and sharing parts of the insides in your life. I love reading things like this bc it makes me feel like I am a part of your life too. You're never alone & I may not know 'know' you , but for all I know , you are definitely an inspiration to many.

    You are definitely one of the strongest soldiers that god has sent from above. I'm sorry if I'm being "too spiritual". But that's just me. Until then , all the best for your future up comings , thank you thank you thank youuu so much for simply living and not giving up on yourself. KEEP MAKING MISTAKES BECAUSE THAT IS HOW YOU WILL EVENTUALLY LEARN & GO STRONGER EACH DAY , KEEP PRAYING SO HARD UNTIL YOU CANT THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE TO ASK FOR. KEEP BEING YOU ANGEL !!! i love u so much x

    - some 18 years old ite college female student

    1. Dear Miss Anonymous,
      I got so teary-eyed reading this and I can feel my goosebumps popping just feeling this way. I'm sorry it took a while for me to reply but I am so glad I saw this. I always get nervous opening up comments on my blog especially if I know they're anonymous but you touchced me. Thank you. Please do write. For me, writing is an escape given that I'm not much of a talker when it comes to expressing myself. I'm really glad that I could connect to you on a personal level through your post. I wish I could give you a hug right now because you've given me another reason to not give up on myself. It pains me to not know your identity but whenever you're ready, my ears are open and I'm here for you. I am nobody darling, trust me. Sometimes I dream of being somebody but I'd rather contribute to the world and be anonymous. I cringe when people talk about fame or call themselves 'fans' I hate it tbh, I love knowing people personally. You just have no idea how happy I am, reading this. I hope you don't mind if I share this on Facebook if you're ever on there, I'd like you to check it out. Thank you so much for reading and leaving this lovely comment. I appreciate every bit of it with every inch of my heart.


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