People make effort, not excuses

  Have you ever noticed how people tend to use the word life as an excuse to every hardship they face? For instance, "Why can't I just graduate college with a degree and land myself a good paying job?" - Oh, that's life. "Why can't I find a decent person to settle down with?" - That's just life, my friend. "Why do I have a 9-5 job that I hate? What happened to doing what I love?" - Life is unfair. 

You see, it is us who make life seem hard. *Cue Thila filter* 

  When I think about life, I am amazed, I am astonished, I am impressed and for the most part, I am grateful. 


  Because we were blessed with a lifetime that only we will remember. One body, one soul, one family we were born into, one name that we will carry our virtue upon. Regardless if you believe in heaven or hell or reincarnation. We will have no recollection of the life we have lived in the past nor will we have a vision for the next lifetime we yet to live. For that, gratitude should be the first on your list. Before you start living, appreciate the privilege you were given to take the first breath of oxygen at birth, appreciate that your heart is beating beneath your chest, appreciate your brain that can produce thoughts only you can think of. 

  However us human beings, we are selfish little bastards. Although given the gift of life, we choose to whine about the life that is destined for us. It's such a shame. 

  The common dilemma of someone like me or someone in their 20's is the fear that friends or lovers would someday leave, never to return again. The plot twist to that dilemma is that somewhere along the way if fate allows, reconciliation and a reunion will take place and what was lost, is found again. 

  I am known for my rants. Being an emotional soul, I have always sought someone, anyone, to listen to my rants just so I could get things off my chest. A conversation stirred up between a friend and I. I was down in the dumps bitching about a friend who's absence was louder than silence.The feedback I got was absurd. If there's one thing I hated, it was another person's opinion. Yes, there is the entitlement to everyone to have their own opinion but I particularly despised the excuse my friend had given me after my long ass rant. 

  That is life Thila. People leave, eventually. 

  There's a popular belief that dwarf animals tend to be hot-tempered. Me, standing at 5" tall boiiiii was I furious. NO NO NO. That is a common misconception created by someone who figured - giving up is so much easier than making effort. Bullshit. Personally, I believe everything revolves around choice and decision. They go hand in hand, like a sack of testicles. 

Let me rephrase That is life. People leave, eventually. 

  Okay. You the reader, observe the words in bold. How does that string of words come off to you? What vibration does it send off? It's weak and it vibrates on a weak frequency. 

  Do not blame life. Life isn't all that bad. Life isn't as bad as we exaggerate it to be.So take away life from the equation of your guilt trip. "To leave" is an option. It is a choice you have a chosen and it is a decision to execute. 

  But people. People are complex beings, a beautiful nightmare. 

. There are 3 ways for humans to deal with humans. 
1. To have a consistent effort and keep up with a relationship.
2. To be a ghost - It's like you're there but you're not there at the same time. 
3. Cut them out of your lives. 

  Most of us fall under category number 2. We don't want to overpower our presence in someone's life but at the same time, we want to be there discreetly. We want to be that little pop of sunshine on someone's rainy day but that someone might interpret your intentions differently. Being there low key is just as destructive as not being there at all. I am pretty straightforward. 

I say: People make effort, not excuses 

  I strongly believe that if someone wants to be part of your life they'll make effort and not excuses. It's all about the priority list these days. I have zero tolerance for excuses but I will spare empathy if you own up to your selfishness. Being honest is like a magic trick - Not everyone knows how to do a magic trick. 

  Take parents for example. It doesn't matter if you're born into a family, adopted into a family or living with a single parent. If they gave the excuse to neglect you, where would you be right now? It is all about the effort and sacrifice one has to make for their loved ones. There is always a choice and there is always a final decision. 

  Don't be that guy who makes excuses, learn to make effort. If you've made a mistake out of your own selfishness, own up to it and apologize and apologize with sincerity and not for the sake of apologizing. 



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